oar, n. paddle, scull, spoon oar. Associated Words: rowlock, loom, blade, wash, oarlock.
oar-shaped, a. remiform.
oat grasses. Avena. Associated Words: avenaceous, oaten.
oath, n. adjuration, pledge, sworn promise; curse, profanity, swearing, expletive, blasphemy. Associated Words: juratory, profane, imprecate.
oath-breaking, n. perjury.
obedience, n. compliance, submission, subservience; dutifulness. Antonyms: disobedience, incompliance, defiance, revolt, insubordination.
obedient, a. submissive, tractable, deferential, subservient, compliant, dutiful, docile, amenable. Antonyms: unsubmissive, intractable, disobedient.
obelisk, n. Associated Words: pyramidion, monolithic, hieroglyphics.
obey, v. comply, submit to, heed, regard, be ruled by.
object, v. disapprove, oppose, demur, contravene, gainsay, except, cavil.
object, n. thing, article; goal, purpose, aim, motive, intent, design, target, butt, destination, view.
objection, n. exception, scruple, demurrer, cavil. Antonyms: approval, acquiescence.
objectionable, a. exceptionable, offensive, obnoxious, undesirable, displeasing.
objectless, a. aimless, desultory, purposeless, vague.
obligation, n. accountableness, responsibility, incumbency, duty, indebtedness; agreement, contract, stipulation, covenant, bond.
obligatory, a. binding, incumbent, imperative, coercive. Antonyms: optional, discretional.
oblige, v. constrain, obligate; please, gratify, accommodate, coerce, compel, necessitate, force.
obliging, a. complaisant, gracious, accommodating, affable, debonair, deferential, yielding.
obliterate, v. efface, erase, blot out, remove, destroy, expunge.
obliteration, n. extinction, erasure, effacement, removal.
oblivious, a. unmindful, unconscious, forgetful, heedless, disregardful.
obnoxious, a. subject, liable; offensive, odious, hateful, displeasing.
obscene, a. smutty, lewd, gross, indecent, immodest, indelicate, ribald.
obscenity, n. lewdness, smut, ribaldry, indecency, bawdiness, immodesty.
obscure, a. abstruse, vague, recondite, indefinite, ambiguous; humble, inglorious, mean, undistinguished; secluded, retired, remote; shaded, darkened.
obscure, v. darken, obfuscate, bedim, eclipse; involve, dissemble, disguise, confuse.
obscuring, n. obscuration, obscurity.
obscurity, n. ambiguity, vagueness; privacy, seclusion, retirement; darkness, obfuscation, obscuration.
obsequious, a. sycophantic, cringing, fawning, deferential, servile.
obsequiousness, n. sycophancy.
obsolete, a. disused, archaic, antiquated, unfashionable, old-fashioned.
obstacle, n. obstruction, barrier, impediment, hindrance, stumbling-block.
obstetrician, n. midwife, accoucheur.
obstetrics, n. tocology, midwifery.
obstinacy, n. incompliance, doggedness, perversity, obduracy, intractability, stubbornness.
obstinate, a. incompliant, intractable, mulish, perverse, dogged, contumacious, stubborn. Antonyms: amenable, yielding, tractable, submissive, compliant, obedient.
obstreperous, a. clamorous, vociferous, noisy, uproarious, boisterous.
obstruct, v. impede, oppose, retard, barricade, blockade, clog, interrupt, bar, restrain.
obstruction, n. obstacle, impediment, barrier, blockade, restraint.
obtain, v. gain, get, procure, acquire, win, attain, secure.
obtainable, a. procurable, attainable, accessible. Antonyms: unobtainable, unprocurable, unattainable, inaccessible.
obtrusive, a. officious, meddlesome, intrusive, forward. Antonyms: inobtrusive, retiring.
obvious, a. plain, evident, palpable, manifest, patent, self-evident.
occult, a. mystic, mystical, abstruse, recondite, secret, unrevealed.
occupant, n. occupier, tenant, holder, incumbent, possessor, lessee.
occupation, n. occupancy, tenure, incumbency; vocation, employment. See business.
occupational, a. vocational.
occupy, v. hold, keep, possess, fill; engage, absorb, employ, busy, monopolize.
ocean, n. main, deep. Associated Words: oceanic, interoceanic, doldrums, oceanography, oceanology, terrigenous, Oceanus, transoceanic.
odd, a. unmatched, single, uneven; singular, peculiar, unusual, unique, strange, quaint, extraordinary, queer, eccentric, whimsical, freakish, baroque, fantastic, nondescript, abnormal, bizarre, erratic, unconventional, curious, capricious; extra, remaining, additional, redundant, casual, supernumerary.
oddity, n. oddness, singularity; curiosity, nondescript, marvel, wonder.
odds, sing, and pl. advantage, preponderance, inequality, disparity; probability.
odds and ends. remnants, fragments, orts, culls, scraps.
odious, a. detestable, abominable, execrable, offensive, repulsive, hateful, loathsome.
odium, n. detestation, unpopularity, hatred, contempt, dislike, opprobrium.
odor, n. smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, redolence, perfume, savor; stink, stench, fetor. Associated Words: deodorize, deodorization, deodorant, deodorizer, antibromic, disinfectant, disinfect, disinfection, exhale, exhalation, effluvium, emanation.
odorless, a. inodorous, savorless, scentless.
odorous, a. odoriferous, fragrant, savory, aromatic, balmy, scented.
offal, n. refuse, waste, rubbish, garbage.
offend, v. displease, affront, provoke, mortify, exasperate, incense, wound, shock.
offender, n. delinquent, wrong-doer, trespasser, malefactor, culprit, criminal.
offense, n. crime, wrong, sin, outrage, indignity; displeasure, resentment, dudgeon, umbrage; misdemeanor, transgression, delinquency, trespass.
offensive, a. obnoxious, displeasing, noisome, distasteful, insolent, abusive, aggressive, assailant, fetid, disagreeable, opprobrious, scurrilous, fulsome.
offer, v. tender, proffer, propose, propound, volunteer, bid; immolate, sacrifice.
offer, n. tender, proposition, bid, overture, proffer.
offering, n. overture, proposition, bid; sacrifice, oblation; offertory; corban.
offhand, a. extemporaneous, impromptu, improvised, unstudied.
office, n. duty, function, service, work, charge, trust, business.
office-holder, n. officer, official, functionary, placeman.
officer, n. office-holder, magistrate, dignitary, incumbent.
officially, adv. ex-officio.
officious, a. meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive, pragmatical, impertinent.
offscouring, n. refuse, scum, offscum, recrement, dross, trash, waste.
offset, n. set-off, counterbalance, equivalent.—v. counterbalance, counterpoise.
offshoot, n. scion, branch.
offspring, n. children, issue, progeny, posterity, descendants.
often, adv. frequently, repeatedly, oftentimes, ofttimes. Antonyms: seldom, infrequently.
oil, v. lubricate.
oiliness, n. lubricity, unctuousness, unctuosity, oleosity, glibness.
oil-producing, a. oleiferous.
oilstone, n. hone.
oily, a. unctuous, oleaginous, emulsive, lubricous; glib, fluent, plausible.
ointment, n. unguent, embrocation, salve.
old, a. aged, elderly, senescent, decrepit, venerable, patriarchal, superannuated, senile; former, pre-existing, preceding, ancient, archaic, antique, antiquated, olden, time-honored, traditional, immemorial, primitive, primordial, primeval, pristine, fossil; dilapidated, decayed, effete; practiced, veteran, experienced; sensible, astute, shrewd, sagacious.
old age. senility, dotage, superannuation, decrepitude. Associated words: geratology, geratic, gerontic.
old-fashioned, a. antiquated, archaic, passe, antique, obsolete, fogram, frumpish.
old-fashioned word. archaism.
old iron, glass, etc. junk.
old maid. spinster.
old man. veteran, patriarch, Nestor, elder, oldster, Methuselah, dotard; gaffer, crone, geezer; centenarian, octogenarian, sexagenarian, nonagenarian.
old-time, a. late, former, quondam.
old woman. beldame, crone, gammer; witch, hag, harridan.
old-womanish, a. anile.
old-womanishness, n. anility.
omen, n. foretoken, sign, augury, portent, presage, prognostic, auspice.
ominous, a. portentous, monitory, premonitory, threatening.
omission, n. default, oversight, neglect, pretermission, omittance, non-performance.
omit, v. leave out, slap, pretermit, disregard, neglect, overlook, ignore, delete.
omittance, n. omission, forbearance, default, neglect, oversight.
omnipresence, n. ubiquity.
omnipresent, n. ubiquitous.
one, n. unit. Associated Words: unify, unity, unification, numerary.
one after the other. seriatim; tandem; alternately, consecutively.
one hundred years. century, centenary. Associated Words: centenarian, centennial.
one letter. Associated Word: uniliteral.
on end. erect, perpendicular, upright.
oneness, n. unity, singleness, individuality, unanimity.
onerous, a. laborious, difficult, arduous.
one-sided, a. unilateral; partial, unfair, inequitable, ex parte.
one year. Associated Words: annual, annually.
on horseback. mounted.
onion, n. (that does not bottom out) scallion, eschallot, shallot. Associated Words: alliaceous, cepaceous, leek, allium, garlic.
onlooker, n. looker-on, bystander, spectator, beholder, witness, eye-witness.
on tap. broached, abroached.
on the sly. (Collog.) sly, covertly, furtively, clandestinely, surreptitiously, secretly.
ooze, v. filter, exude, percolate, transude, seep.
oozing, n. percolation, filtering, exudation, distillation, transudation.
opalescence, n. iridescence.
opalescent, a. iridescent.
opaque, a. intransparent; (Colloq.) obscure, unintelligible.
open, a. accessible, clear, unobstructed, unrestricted; ajar, unlocked; extended, expanded, spread, gaping, yawning, unfolded, dehiscent; frank, unreserved, candid, ingenuous, guileless, overt, undisguised; generous, liberal, bounteous, open-handed; revealed, patent, manifest; unsettled, undetermined, debatable, undecided, controvertible; mild, clement; free, disengaged, unappropriated, unemployed.
open, v. spread, expand, unfold, evolve; reveal, disclose; unclose, unlock, unfasten; begin, commence; dehisce.
open-air, a. outdoor, al-fresco.
opening, a. beginning, introductory, initiatory, preliminary.
opening, n. aperture, fissure, gap, orifice, rift, chasm, hiatus, rent; beginning, introduction, outset; vacancy.
openly, adv. publicly, unreservedly, candidly.
open-mouthed, a. gaping, yawning; greedy, clamorous, ravenous, rapacious, eager.
opiate, n. narcotic, anodyne, sedative, dormitive, soporific.
opiate, a. somniferous, narcotic, anodyne, sedative, soporiferous, dormitive.
opinion, n. belief, judgment, impression; decision, ruling, verdict, sentence.
opium, n. Associated Words: narcotic, opiate, chandoo, thebaine, narcotine, codeine, dope, meconism, meconology, meconophagism, meconophagist, opiophagism.
opponent, n. adversary, antagonist, rival, competitor.
opportune, a. timely, seasonable, apropos, felicitous, appropriate.
oppose, v. combat, resist, confront, withstand, oppugn, impugn, contend, antagonize, contravene, discountenance, gainsay, contradict. Antonyms: yield, acquiesce, concur, agree.
opposer, n. opponent, antagonist.
opposing, a. conflicting, antagonistic, contending, opposite, adverse.
opposite, n. antithesis, counterpart, antipodes.
opposite, a. contrary, adverse, diametrical, antagonistic, inverse, reverse, contradictory, counter, incompatible, antithetic, antipodal, inconsistent.
opposition, n. resistance, counteraction, hostility, repulse, rebuff, recalcitration, counterview, antagonism, contradiction, obstacle, impediment, obstruction. Antonyms: acquiescence, non-resistance, concurrence, agreement.
oppress, v. burden, overwhelm, aggrieve, tyrannize, persecute, overpower.
oppression, n. tyranny, persecution, extortion, hardship, severity.
oppressive, a. rigorous, tyrannical, extortionate, burdensome.
oppressor, n. tyrant, persecutor, extortioner.
option, n. choice, preference, election, discretion, alternative. Antonyms: constraint, coercion, compulsion.
optional, a. discretional, elective. Antonyms: compulsory, coercive, obligatory.
oral, a. spoken, verbal, parole, vocal, nuncupative.
oration, n. declamation, rhetoric.
orator, n. declaimer, rhetorician.
oratorical, a. rhetorical, eloquent, declamatory.
ordeal, n. crucible.
order, n. mandate, command, precept, direction, decree, decretal, injunction; rule, regulation, law, canon, prescription; method, system, disposition, arrangement; succession, sequence; dictation, bidding, commission; grade, degree, class; tranquillity, quiet.
order, v. methodize, systematize, regulate; bid, command, dictate, enjoin.
ordering, n. distribution, disposition, regulation.
orderly, a. systematic, methodical, well-regulated, regular; peaceable.
ordinary, a. common, regular, conventional, commonplace, mediocre, average, usual.
organic, a. constitutional, vital, fundamental, essential, inherent, instrumental.
organization, n. organism; formation, construction, making.
organize, v. arrange, systematize, form.
orgies, n. pl. carousal, revels, debauch, wassail, saturnalia, bacchanals, riot.
origin, n. source, beginning, derivation, rise, origination.
original, a. first, primeval, aboriginal, primitive, archetypal, primordial, pristine; creative, productive, inventive, ingenious. Antonyms: derivative, copied.
original, n. origin, archetype, prototype, model, pattern.
Orkney Islands. Associated Word: Orcadian.
ornament, n. decoration, embellishment, adornment, garniture, ornamentation; parure.
ornament, v. decorate, embellish, garnish, bedeck, grace, beautify.
ornamental, a. embellishing, beautifying, garnishing.
ornamentation, n. adornment, garniture, embellishment; arabesque, moresque; purfling; fret-work.
ornate, a. ornamented, decorated, embellished, florid, adorned.
orthodox, a. Antonym: heterodox.
orthodoxy, n. Antonym: heterodoxy.
oscillate, v. fluctuate, vacillate.
ostentatious, a. showy, pompous, spectacular, gaudy, pretentious.
ounce by ounce. unciatim.
oust, v. eject, evict, dispossess, dislodge, remove, displace, expel, depose.
ousting, n. ejection, eviction, expulsion, dispossession, ouster, removal, disseizin, deposition.
out, adv. away, absent, abroad; outright, aloud, audibly; wanting, lacking, deficient in; extinguished; at variance.
out and out. wholly, completely, openly.—a. absolute, unqualified, undisguised.
outbounds, n. pl. limits, boundaries, confines.
outbreak, n. eruption, outburst, uprising.
outburst, n. eruption, outbreak, paroxysm, access, ebullition.
outcast, n. pariah, castaway, reprobate, Ishmaelite.
outcome, n. consequence, outgrowth, result, issue, upshot, eventuation.
outdo, v. excel, surpass, outvie, outstrip, exceed.
outer, a. external, exterior.
outermost, a. extreme, uttermost, utmost.
outfit, n. equipment.
outflow, n. effusion, outpouring.
outgeneral, v. outmaneuver, circumvent.
outgrowth, n. excrescence; outcome.
outlandish, a. grotesque, bizarre, barbarous, unconventional, freakish.
outlast, v. outwear, survive.
outlaw, n. bandit, desperado.—v. proscribe.
outlawry, n. proscription.
outlay, n. expenditure, disbursement.
outlet, n. egress, vent, exit.
outline, n. contour, circumference, periphery, profile; sketch, draught, scenario.
outlive, v. survive.
outlook, n. prospect, view, vista; watch-tower; foresight.
outlying, a. remote, detached, distant, frontier.
out of joint. unhinged, dislocated.
out of order. disordered, disarranged, jumbled, chaotic, disorganized.
out of place. misplaced; improper, unbecoming.
out of reach. inaccessible, unattainable.
outrage, n. indignity, affront, insult, assault.
outrageous, a. atrocious, nefarious, wanton, flagrant, unwarrantable, furious, monstrous, villainous.
outright, adv. unconditionally, utterly.
outside, n. exterior.
outside, a. external.
outskirt, n. edge, border, purlieu, suburb, frontier.
outspoken, a. unreserved, frank, explicit, blunt, ingenuous.
outward, a. external, exterior, outer, superficial, surface, extrinsic.
outweigh, v. overweigh, overbalance, preponderate.
outweighing, n. preponderance, preponderation.—a. preponderant.
outwit, v. circumvent, outgeneral, defeat.
oval, a. elliptical.
oven mop. scovel.
over, adv. across, crosswise, athwart, transversely.
overawe, v. intimidate, daunt.
overbearing, a. haughty, arrogant, dictatorial, magisterial, lordly, dogmatical, supercilious, imperious, cavalier, overweening.
overcharge, n. extortion.
overcoat, n. great coat, topcoat, ulster, raglan, inverness, surtout, paletot.
overcome, v. surmount, conquer, subdue, master, vanquish, overpower, subjugate.
overcoming, a. conquering, overmastering, overwhelming, irresistible.
over-confident, a. rash, presumptuous, incautious.
overdo, v. overwork, overtask, overtax, exhaust; exaggerate.
overeat, v. gorge, glut, satiate.
overfeed, v. surfeit, stuff, satiate, gorge, pamper.
overfeeding, n. surfeit, superalimentation, pampering.
overfill, v. surcharge.
overflow, n. deluge, flood, inundation; exuberance, superabundance, profusion.
overflow, v. inundate, deluge, engulf.
overflowing, n. overflow, inundation; exuberance, copiousness, superabundance.
overfull, a. surcharged, plethoric, surfeited, gorged.
overfullness, n. plethora, surfeit, satiety, engorgement, congestion, repletion.
overhang, n. projection.
overhead, adv. aloft, above.
overlapping, a. obvolute, obvoluted, imbricate, imbricated.—n.imbrication.
overlook, v. supervise, oversee; inspect, overhaul, examine, neglect, disregard, skip, slight, ignore; condone, connive at, forgive.
overnice, a. fastidious, squeamish.
overplus, n. surplus, excess, surplusage, residue, rest.
overpower, v. vanquish, subdue, conquer, overcome, defeat, crush, overwhelm, rout, master, subjugate, overmatch.
overpowering, a. overwhelming, conquering, irresistible, overmastering.
overpowering, n. vanquishment, conquering, defeat, subjugation, overthrow.
overrate, v. overvalue, overestimate, overprize.
overreach, v. outwit, dupe, swindle. See cheat.
override, v. trample upon, supersede, annul, abrogate.
overrule, v. annul, rescind, abrogate, revoke, supersede, set aside.
overruling, a. predominant, prevailing, controlling.
overruling, n. abrogation, cancellation, rescission.
overrun, v. infringe, invade.
oversee, v. superintend, supervise.
overseer, n. superintendent, supervisor, inspector, taskmaster, foreman, monitor.
overshoe, n. galoshe, rubber, arctic.
oversight, n. superintendence, supervision, care, inspection, surveillance, control, charge; overlooking, connivance, omission, failure, inadvertence, default, inattention, lapse.
overstate, v. exaggerate.
overstep, v. exceed, trespass, infringe, intrench, encroach.
oversupply, n. excess, superabundance, surfeit, glut, repletion.
overt, a. public, apparent, unconcealed, patent.
overthrow, v. upset, overturn; demolish, prostrate, subvert, defeat, vanquish, rout, overpower, overcome, subjugate, raze, worst.
overthrow, n. overthrowing, demolition, subversion, undoing, reversal, prostration, defeat, bouleversement.
overtop, v. transcend, surpass, dwarf, overshadow.
overture, n. See offer.
overvalue, v. overrate, overestimate, overprize.
overweening, a. haughty, arrogant, cavalier, supercilious, lordly, conceited.
overweening, n. conceit, arrogance, superciliousness, lordliness.
overweight, n. preponderance.
overwhelm, v. overflow, submerge, ingulf, drown, overpower, crush.
overwhelming, a. irresistible, overpowering.
owing, n. indebtedness.
owing, a. due, payable, unpaid; ascribable, traceable, imputable, attributable, referable; indebted.
own, v. admit, acknowledge, confess, allow, concede, grant; possess. Antonyms: disown, deny.
owner, n. proprietor.
ownership, n. proprietorship, claim, title.
oysters, n. pl. Mollusca, Ostrea. Associated Words: ostreaceous, ostreaculture, ostreophagist, ostreophagous, ostriferous, bivalve, spawn, cultch, spat.
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